Law of Attraction One Day Workshop

LOA TTT ( Train the trainer – Certification course – after this training – you will be able to train others on LOA ) for 3 days in Mumbai.. Those who can not attend all the 3 days of TTT , can attend our basic course of one day on Sunday 27th Nov.

RDC-JP Business Life

RDC has tied up with John Penrith who is a Retail senior management executive with international retail chains, with programs that have been approved by govt. of  UK and Australia. John Penrith brings to his Business Life program a wealth of retail executive at all levels over decades with some of the leading organisations in UK and Australia. He was trained […]

Design Thinking Workshop

A unique one day DESIGN THINKING workshop has been designed which features a creative, practical-oriented approach to address business challenges. Participants will stretch their imaginative thinking and come up with out-of-box-thinking solutions to address the organizational pain points or innovate to increase customer value addition. Thrust will be on ideation by cross functional teams. KEY TAKE AWAYS FROM DESIGN THINKING […]

GBM Premier Training

C Programming for college students (Fees Rs. 5000/-) Workplace English through 100 lessons (Fees Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 5000/- based on your current abilities in English). Flexible timings. Basic Terminology of the stock market (Rs.1500/-) Advanced Terminology of the stock market (Rs. 4500/-)